Unbiased banking advice
Get the right financial partner for your business.
We're not affiliated with a bank, so we can help you find the best financial institution for your needs.
Schedule a complimentary consultation 〉Don't miss opportunities because you have the wrong bank
JJP has the knowledge and experience to help you make an informed decision to achieve your business goals. We'll identify the right combination of financial products and services to help your business succeed.
Independent recommendations
A trusted advisor to help you find the perfect financial partner
We help new and established businesses of all sizes. JJP not only has the experience and knowledge, but the Industry contacts as well. This will provide you with multiple independent options designed to enhance your informed decision.

Are you lacking a meaningful relationship with your current bank?
Feeling stuck with an institution that doesn't understand your needs?

Want to see if there are opportunities you're missing out on?

Struggling to acquire the financing your company needs?
Need help evaluating your current bank's products or services?
JJP Independent Commercial Business Advisors LLC can help!
Improve your business's performance with the right financial partner.
Over 30 years of experience
About John Priole
John Priole's banking and financial services experience spans some 30 + years. He has worked at Pennsylvania Banking Institutions located in Bucks, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, as well as the State of New Jersey. John began his career with First Pennsylvania Bank and has held various middle and senior management positions at CoreStates , First Union, Sovereign, Beneficial and WSFS Banks – just to name a few.
We're driven by
★ Relationships
★ Exceptional service
★ Client commitment
★ Consistent "follow-through"